Bill and melinda gates foundation donations list. Our grantmaking process is described here.
Bill and melinda gates foundation donations list Buffett’s on-going contribution to the foundation has Clearly, the philanthropic work of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is on a completely different level- by last year’s measurements, they gave away four times more in charitable donations Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. These donations function as financial injections intended to fuel the recipient's activities that align with the The documents, obtained by MintPress News, revealed that a staggering $319 million (€267 million) has been given to a range of high-profile media outlets from the Gates’ Foundation, including $12. Gates Foundation, which focused on global health. I’m lucky that my dad—who played a huge role in shaping my philanthropy—lived to see the pledge become a reality. Ian C. 2007 EIN: 56-2618866 Donations to this organization are tax deductible. While originally focused on the United States, the Giving Pledge quickly saw interest from philanthropists around The parent organization of a Democratic "dark money" behemoth received nearly $70 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2020 as it financed super PACs boosting Joe Biden's presidential campaign. The effect is strongest for solicitees who previously gave to other BMGF-suppo As of 12/31/2024, we find all stocks held by Gates Foundation Trust to be as follows, presented in the table below with each row detailing each Gates Foundation Trust position, ordered by largest to smallest position size. "Most of these deaths are preventable through simple, low-cost programs and technologies," said Charles MacCormack, President of Save the Children/U. ©Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation/Mark Makela. Our grantmaking process is described here. (William H. Phone: 206. His company, Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT), made him a billionaire the year after its IPO. News that billionaires Bill and Melinda Gates are to separate after 27 years of marriage has sparked speculation over what will happen to their charitable foundation. The primary aims of the foundation are, globally, to enhance healthcare and reduce extreme poverty, and, in the United · Donations by top 50 US donors dropped sharply to $16 billion in 2022 – Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Mike Bloomberg and Warren Buffett lead the list of biggest givers The Bill & Melinda Gates Co-Chairs, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation We are data people, and this is a data report. From 2015 to 2019, it made annual commitments of roughly The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has committed to spending $8. But just as these gifts are great, so we feel a great responsibility to use them well. Seattle, WA; Tax-exempt since Jan. gatesfoundation. METHODOLOGY: The numbers on this page are based on contributions from PACs and individuals giving $200 or more. E. Next on the list is a $480 million donation to Northwestern University from Patrick Ryan, founder of Ryan Specialty Group, an insurance services company, and his wife, Shirley. That’s why the Gates Foundation spends time and money on collecting and crunching data related to everything from COVID-19 and poverty in the United States, to gender equality, to Foundation for support. CGD is grateful to its funders and board of directors for support of this work. Investing in these supports will not only leave an enduring laboratory capacity beyond COVID-19, it will also increase the numbers and types DAVOS, Switzerland -- The co-chairs of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today called on world leaders, corporations, NGOs, and individuals to maintain their commitments to foreign assistance and investment despite the difficult economic times, citing strong evidence showing that investments in development and We use strictly necessary cookies to make our site work. In 1993, Bill and Melinda Gates took a walk on the beach and made a big decision: to give their Microsoft wealth back to society. The AIDS initiative targeted promising research, and helped A $15 billion commitment from Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s endowment tops the Chronicle of Philanthropy’s list of the largest gifts from U. The WHO launched an appeal in March for $675 million to help fight the coronavirus pandemic. Do not request conference fees. The Trust initiated a position in PACCAR for the first time, adding 1 million The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), previously the William H. bILL & MELINDA gATES fOUNDATION | JULY 2011 www. SEATTLE (January 16, 2025) – At the start of the Gates Foundation’s 25th anniversary year, its governing board approved the largest budget in its history. ©Gates Archive/Brian Otieno. These grants provide the testing hubs funding for additional medical technical staff for specimen analysis, lab equipment, supplies, and technology. These donations function as financial injections intended to fuel the recipient's activities that align with the BERLIN (October 16, 2022) – Today at the World Health Summit, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced it will commit $1. 2 billion since its inception in 2000. Many of its grants specify public health and education as their targets, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation är en amerikansk privat stiftelse som grundades år 2000 av Bill Gates och Melinda Gates. , Bill’s father, an honorary co-chair, and a long-time guiding voice at the foundation, as well as the decision by Warren Buffett last year to step down after nearly 15 years of service as a Trustee. In 2020, we undertook a review of Gates Foundation donations from 2014-18 based on the Foundation’s PF-990 tax filings. Tedros’s ties to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation go back over a decade. public library system to the charitable support for smallpox eradication and global giving in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, philanthropy comes in many forms and is ingrained in cultural traditions the world over. That is why we are so pleased to join in making an explicit commitment to the Giving Pledge. In the US, it seeks to improve high school and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust (the Trust) is a tax-exempt private foundation that holds the donated investment assets from Bill Gates, Melinda French Gates, and Warren Buffett. Ted Turner gave $25 million to stop polio, and he told me that since I was twice as rich as him, I should give twice as much. 1 This revolution in financial inclusion has the potential to offer a pathway out of poverty for hundreds of millions of people and to spur broad economic growth. The partnership between Rotary and the Gates Foundation has yielded $2 billion, and Rotarians have given countless volunteer hours to fight polio since Rotary started its PolioPlus program in 1985. The grants total more than $133 million, and benefit some of the most Bill Gates and Warren Buffett were two of the year's biggest three donors. LETTER FROM THE CFO. In 2000, we merged these foundations into the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with an initial endowment of $20 billion and a focus on health, education, and About the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. gave $15 billion to Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for endowment 2. For years, Gates has been a prominent force in global health, poverty alleviation, and education through his philanthropic organization, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Visit www. The Foundation’s Primary Contact must approve in writing any Budget cost category Areas of focus. ) The contributions on the 2021 list went primarily to well-established institutions. 8% of the WHO's funds. Join this The couple coordinate their efforts through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which works with other people to donate money and resources on trying to solve a select number of global problems Polio eradication is a top priority of the foundation, and as a major supporter and partner of the GPEI, we contribute technical and financial resources to accelerate targeted vaccination campaigns, community mobilization, and routine immunizations. AP Photo/Nati HarnikThe top 50 American individuals and couples who gave or pledged the most to charity in 2022 committed Profile for Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Seattle, WA - EIN 562618866) including grantees and board members as of 2023 tax year. The announcement was made ahead of a key pledging moment that will be co-hosted by Germany and the Global Polio Eradication The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will spend $100 million over five years to fund a group of nonprofit organizations working to help colleges "transform themselves" in the face of falling enrollment, increasing demands for educated workers and declining public confidence in higher education, it said Thursday. 53. The primary goals of the foundation are to enhance healthcare and reduce extreme poverty across the globe, and to expand educational opportunities and More than 300 natural disasters have occurred each year over the past decade. This is a 50 percent increase in the past ten years. Contributions to 527s are not included in the Individuals, PACs, Soft (Indivs), or Soft (Orgs) columns, so the sum of these columns may not equal the Total column. The Ford Foundation gave Arabella’s nonprofits $25 million in 2020. (Source: Bloomberg) An overview from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Climate Lead. Hedge fund founder George Soros, 93, has a lifetime giving amount of $21 billion with his donations focusing on democracy The German government sent 600 million Euro to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation since 2023! Florian Warweg grilled the German government speaker on this. Sort of. GCDL is a registered The foundation's charitable contributions are so substantial that the government's efforts often pale in comparison. As of March 2007, the BMGF's endowment was estimated to be US$33 billion, of which it awards approximately No identified affiliates for Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in the 2024 election cycle. Bill and Melinda Gates divorced in 2021, but both continue to co-chair the foundation. €210 million for “Global digital transformation” #LordBeboExclusive. From Andrew Carnegie’s gift to create the U. 5bn towards The Microsoft founder and philanthropist said he wants to drop off the rich list as he announced a large donation to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. After sorting through over 30,000 individual grants, MintPress can reveal that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) has made over $300 million worth of donations to fund media projects. Our Tax ID number is 58-2106707 The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced Monday the creation of Gates Philanthropy Partners, a nonprofit set up to receive donor contributions. Donate to unleash the potential of women and girls everywhere—because equality can’t wait. The BMGF is the largest charitable foundation in the USA. A full list and description of commitments can be found here and will be updated throughout the forum. Your donations through Gates Philanthropy Partners will help sustain critical Gates Foundation programs and vetted partners that are advancing health, education, and economic opportunities for those most in need. and Canadian public libraries to bring computers and digital information to the communities they serve. The value of contributed services recorded in the accompanying statements of activities, consisting primarily of investment The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is — at least in name — no more. Gates Foundation will 🖨️ Print Page; The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Many philanthropists are stepping up, but this extraordinary moment requires more: more urgency, more resources, and more bold, new ideas from To dramatically improve student learning outcomes, 12 national foundations have committed $500 million in 2010 funds to leverage the U. Here are some Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, and Melinda French Gates, founder of Pivotal Ventures, an investment firm, gave $15 billion to Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for endowment 2. Gates, whose net worth is estimated at $104 billion, attracted attention in July when he announced he was giving $20 billion When Bill and Melinda started the foundation twenty years ago, the world didn’t have a decent estimate of how many people were dying of malaria each year. The Government of Belgium and the Gates Foundation share a commitment to ensuring that more people have access Topping the list is Bill Gates, who gave $5 billion to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to back the grantmaker’s work in global health, development, policy and advocacy, and U. Be a part of the fight to end polio and have your donation matched 2-to-1 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The actual value of these gifts is about $45 billion if you include the appreciation of the The Gates Foundation spends five percent of its endowment on programs and advocacy concerning education, health, poverty, climate change, and “clean energy. 53 million shares. With an endowment exceeding $50 billion, the foundation has grown to become the largest private charitable foundation in the world. 2012. So we are relatively new to this effort. Distributions. The Daily Telegraph also providing data to the curated-list test reported herein. Learn more at Foundation List. This effort will offer some of the world’s poorest people in Asia and Africa better nutrition and the opportunity to lead healthier, more productive lives. In August 2021 - and with the publication of new data provided by the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) Grant opportunities. Grants to Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (note 1) 6,131,700 6,755,163 Federal excise and other taxes, net (note 5) 122,027 107,946 need to be purchased if not provided by donation. Figures for the current election cycle are based on data released on The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has committed to spending $8. This political It was a healthy year for big gifts in 2021, a year that saw one of the biggest multibillion gifts in more than a decade, according to a Chronicle tally. GENEVA -- The World Health Organization, Rotary International and the United Nations Children's Fund today announced that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will provide US $50 million along with US $28 million from R. Our significant donors include the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, several UN agencies, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Topping the list is Gates, who gave $5 billion to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to back the grant maker’s work in global health, development, policy and advocacy and U. He used to say, 'There’s no problem bigger than we are. As it enters its 25th year, the world’s biggest development-focused foundation has rebranded as simply the Gates In 2000, the Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation established the Gates Cambridge Scholarshipswith a $210 million donation to support outstanding graduate students all around the world to study at the University of Cambridge. 25 out of a $1,000 budget. ' I never Bill and Melinda Gates share their 2017 Annual Letter highlighting Warren Buffett's gift to the Gates Foundation to help fight disease and reduce inequity. so did the Gates Foundation’s donations. In 2013 alone, natural disasters killed more than 21,000 people, affected more than 96 million others, and resulted in estimated economic damage of US$118. Gates is also a signatory of The Giving Pledge; through which he’s promised to donate at least 50 percent of his wealth Foundation) for our survey. With 2 billion people in Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation donations made , , This is an online portal with information on donations that were announced publicly (or have been shared with permission) that were of interest to Vipul Naik. Assets. In developing countries, it focuses on improving people’s health and giving them the chance to lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty. In developing countries, it focuses on improving people’s health and giving them the chance to lift themselves out of hunger and extreme The $28 million donation from the Gates Foundation will undoubtedly help Sightsavers carry out their mission, but Bill Gates probably wouldn't even notice that amount missing. 5 million, from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill has a net worth of 125 billion, and Melinda’s net worth is $10. The Gates Foundation award represents the largest private grant to Save the Children/U. org to fund up to 50 percent of the cost of individual classroom projects developed by The second-largest funder is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which provides 9. Despite being the United Kingdom’s public service broadcaster, the station’s international charity ‘BBC Media Action’ receives heavy funding from the Gates Foundation. GRANT AMOUNT: The Foundation will pay You the total grant amount specified in the Reporting & Payment Schedule below. Milestone year kicks off with name and logo change; new Chief Communications Officer joins Executive Leadership Team. Th owe ollaborativ hilanthropy ivin ogethe ddres h limat risis 2 high-impact solutions and provides a comprehensive list of curated collaborative giving opportunities across the climate space. In developing countries, it focuses on improving people's health and giving them the chance to lift themselves out of hunger and poverty. their platform has supported 600,000 teacher-led projects in 85,000 schools—and 78 percent of the donations have gone into low-income communities. In conversation with Chris Anderson, the couple talks about their work at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as their marriage, their children, their failures and the satisfaction of The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – which still stands strong despite its two co-founders splitting up after 27 years of marriage – said last month it was “not right” for the charity to To be clear, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Bill Gates, or any foundation employees: Do not sponsor lotteries of any kind. The donations will be made through her Pivotal Ventures group. 3% of The authors attribute this effect to a quality signal, which is provided through the matching institution, in their case the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as it is considered particularly The Foundation Trust holds the foundation’s endowment, including the annual installments of Warren Buffett’s gift, and funds the foundation. 1 billion in 2022, more than a third of the $14 billion donated by the Philanthropy 50 collectively. The numbers on this page are based on This list is provided for informational purposes only and does not imply an award, agreement, or offer to contract. In partnership with The Just Project, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will make a $15 million investment to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) as part of its COVID-19 response. 5 billion from Gates as part of their divorce agreement. In 2015, leaders from 193 countries agreed to the Sustainable Development Goals—the SDGs. All donations were made during the 2024 election cycle and were released by the Federal Election Commission. 4942(a)-3: seattle, wa: 2023: $6,131,700,000: bill & melinda gates foundation: to fund the charitable It was started in 2000 by Bill Gates and Melinda Gates, who co-founded Microsoft. 5 We believe that solutions to Africa’s greatest challenges can come from within Africa. The foundation will operate REDMOND, Wash. With no obligation to operate under any system but its own, there is little oversight or accountability, especially when it is filling unmet needs (via The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation). In a large-scale intervention study, messages promoting health preserving behavior that were coupled with 2. co-founder of Microsoft, and Melinda French Gates, founder of Pivotal Ventures, an investment firm, gave $15 billion to Bill & Melinda “When the Gates Foundation made its first investment in Gavi 25 years ago, I couldn’t have predicted the extraordinary impact it would have on combatting infectious diseases, lifting up economies and saving lives,” said Bill Gates, Chair, Gates Foundation. Langtree - Writer/Editor for Disabled World (DW) Published: 2010/01/03 - Updated: 2023/05/15 Topic: Foundations and Nonprofits - Publications List Page Content: Synopsis - Introduction - Main Synopsis: Information on The Bill and Melinda We use strictly necessary cookies to make our site work. Read about thinkers and doers, Twitter pros and essayists, The authors thank TechnoServe for collaborating on this field experiment, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for providing the matching grant to TechnoServe, Conor Dowling and Harvard University's Institute for Quantitative Social Science for providing access to the Cooperative Congressional Election Study (and its Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation organization profile: candidate recipients for the 2024 cycle and top recipients of all types for the 2024 cycle. 23. ” CGD The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is one of the world’s largest private philanthropic organizations, dedicated to tackling critical global challenges such as poverty, disease, and inequity. Donate; IRS Form 990 PF. We opened our Berlin office in 2018 to deepen our partnerships with governments, civil society organizations, researchers, and other institutions across Germany and continental Europe. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are a longstanding political, technical and funding partner to UNFPA, and provide strong global leadership in the sexual and reproductive health and rights doman. Host internet lotteries or offer prizes of any kind through email, Foundation for support. need to be purchased if not provided by donation. The largest private foundation in the world, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives. “The foundation is proud to join the European Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. We have 108 articles about past events, donations and campaigns. 2 billion to support efforts to end all forms of polio globally. 501(c)(3) organizations and other tax-exempt organizations identified by our staff. The grant from the William H. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust 2023 Audited Financial Statements (PDF, 254 KB, 14 pages) 2023 Annual Tax Return, Form 990-PF: Return of Private Foundation (PDF, 1. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (B&MGF) is the largest transparently operated charitable foundation in the world, founded by Bill and Melinda Gates in 2000 and doubled in size by Warren Buffett in 2006. It has spent over $50 billion on global public health over the last two decades, including $1. 285. Lameck Chimango, a biomedical engineer, attending in a hospital’s NICU in Lilongwe, Malawi. Gates Foundation, founded in 1994, merged with the Gates Learning Foundation, founded in 1997. The beauty of philanthropy is in its diversity. skip to start of Ways to give section. Ethics Reporting. To a billionaire, $28 million of his annual budget is like $3. Mark Suzman made the call in his annual letter released Thursday that led with the story of Chuck Feeney, a billionaire whose philanthropy inspired Warren Buffett, Bill By centralizing the foundation’s relationships with these institutions, the GHAF team ensures greater coherence and collaboration across foundation teams as well as across those global health institutions. Do not offer investment opportunities. The effect is strongest for solicitees who previously gave to other BMGF-supported, from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, or made no mention of a match. Access free and paid funding resources to secure nonprofit grants and grow your impact. We and our partners also use (with your consent) additional cookies and similar technologies to collect information when you interact with our site to improve your experience. As Ethiopia’s health minister, Ghebreyesus worked very closely with the Bill and Melinda Foundation. His philanthropic organisation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is particularly worried about potential cuts to family planning and global health initiatives should Trump regain office. Guided by the belief that every life has equal value, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives. This can accelerate progress on the foundation’s priorities and progress toward the health-related DAVOS, Switzerland -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today renewed its commitment to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. All donations were made during the 2024 Giving to universities is heavily weighted to North American and Western European institutions. We thank Ellen Degnan, Selvan Kumar, Rachel Strohm, James Tan and Natalia Torres for research assistance. Through his philanthropic foundation, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, he has donated over $36 billion to charitable endeavors. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation committed $50 million more, along with $50 million from the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation and a $120 million contribution from the World Bank. Within that context, today I am pleased to announce the award of three grants to the CDC Foundation, totaling $13. It is reported to be planning a fresh appeal in coming days. By Brendan Cole On 7/14/22 at 10:34 AM EDT Funding to universities by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Introduction. ” CGD The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Donations to the WHO. If he held on to his 45% stake in the The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation added 1 millions shares of FedEx, bringing its total to 2. (The 2021 list actually includes 11 donations because of ties. Department of Education's $650 million Investing in Innovation (i3) Fund aimed at similarly aligned investments, making more than $1 billion available to help Established in 2000, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation helps individuals all over the world lead healthy, productive lives. Bill and Melinda Gates reflect on the importance of everyday giving and support for community nonprofits. Do not require/request grantees to pay insurance, handling, deposits, or delivery fees for grant funds. Through it, donors can piggyback on the foundation’s work of supporting global health, international development, and American education. We are a 501(c)(3) public charity set up to provide donors an easy way to give alongside the foundation. We work with you and Gates Foundation Figures on this page include contributions and spending by affiliates. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, based in Seattle, was formed in 2000 through the merger of the Gates Learning Foundation, which was focused on technology and public libraries, and the William H. When I look at financials, I see within the columns and rows of numbers the story of an organization. org | 1 Overview This is a unique moment in history: Advances in science and learning are making it possible to solve complex problems like never before. if we focus these advances on helping people improve their lives, then within this Our goal is to support farmers and governments in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia that are seeking a sustainable, inclusive agricultural transformation—one that creates economic opportunity, respects limits on natural resources, and gives everyone equal access to affordable, nutritious food. 11 MB, 39 The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a charitable organization with a $75. Our role is to support African partners whose bold ideas and creative approaches have the potential to save lives, improve health, and help families all across the continent. . (tie) Philip Knight, co-founder of Nike, and his wife, Penny gave $500 million to University of Oregon to expand Yes, Bill Gates donates a large proportion of his wealth to charity. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his ex-wife, Melinda French Gates, gave their foundation $15 billion right before their divorce became final. The Gates Foundation has awarded $11. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) work, along with other partners, to address meningitis surveillance in Find the largest foundations supporting nonprofit organizations and explore grants for nonprofits in education, healthcare, environmental causes, and more. 6 billion in 2024 to help meet mounting needs and fund innovative ways to save and improve lives. But it also represents an explicit recognition by Bill and Melinda, especially in the To support schools in improving K-12 teaching and learning, with a focus on math as the cornerstone skill for academic success and greater opportunities in the workforce. All payment The Gates Foundation made its first donation to the fight against polio 10 years ago. There are many challenges on the path The Gates Foundation requires its grantees to adhere to all applicable ethical, legal, regulatory, and safety requirements including applicable international, national, local, and institutional standards. We have been Reviewing the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Donations List . 8 billion worth of Microsoft stock to the global organization, Forbes reported. Since the foundation's start, Bill Gates has donated about $35. George Soros. DAVOS, Switzerland -- Bill and Melinda Gates announced today that their foundation will commit $10 billion over the next 10 years to help research, develop and deliver vaccines for the world’s poorest countries. Tax Year 2023. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation now has an Gordon W. These grants will support the U. 2 billion donation to a family foundation specializing in supporting population and health projects worldwide. Further information about BMGF’s vision to ensure a world where every person can live a healthy, productive life can be From poverty to health, to education, our areas of focus offer the opportunity to dramatically improve the quality of life for billions of people. Our sites may store or retrieve information on your browser, generally in the form of cookies. By giving to Gates Philanthropy Partners, you maximize the value of your gift by aligning it to Gates Foundation priorities. 75 billion on COVID-19 relief. The foundation pledges $300M (around €255M) over three years (2018-2020) to support agricultural research that helps the world’s poorest farmers better adapt to increasingly challenging growing conditions brought about by climate change, including rising temperatures, extreme weather patterns (droughts and SEATTLE (October 19, 2021) - The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced today a commitment of up to $120 million to accelerate access to the investigational antiviral drug molnupiravir for lower-income countries as part of its COVID-19 response effort. The urgency of the climate crisis is clear and the Malaria eradication is a top priority of the foundation. Any human subjects research must adhere to current Good Clinical Practice as defined by the International Council on Bill Gates : "My mom never had the opportunity to see the Giving Pledge, but I like to think she’d see her influence in its work if she could. The The nearly US$600 million in new funding includes US$180 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, US$10 million from UNICEF, and US$400 million from the World Bank. Our investments support relief efforts in response to Here at the Gates Foundation, we believe that math is for all students. So we build partnerships that bring together resources, expertise, and vision—working with the best organizations around the globe to identify issues Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (the Foundation) is a tax-exempt private foundation that works to reduce inequity across the globe. In the United States, it seeks to Please be advised that the Gates Foundation, Bill Gates, foundation employees, foundation grantees, and foundation partner organizations do not: Request administrative fees for awarding a grant. Math helps students make sense of the world, solve problems, and make smart informed decisions Discover our Education to Workforce Framework. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is part of the Grand Challenges partnership network. in its 68-year history. Between 2010 and 2014, the Gates Foundation committed $1. The git repository with the code for this portal, as well as all the underlying data, is available on GitHub. Gates Foundation, is an American private foundation founded by Bill and Melinda Gates. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Merck will seek He started a foundation in 1994 in his father’s name which became a part of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2000. education They continue to co-chair the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation despite their 2021 divorce, Forbes noted. She was one of the earliest major critics of the Gates Foundation’s work, and her 2015 book No Such Thing As A Free Gift: The Gates Foundation and the Price of Philanthropy is a stinging criticism of “philanthrocapitalism. The partners are now continuing their efforts to improve low-resource countries’ access to medical The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is expanding its purview to also focus on climate change and gender equality, According to a new list of the top American philanthropists in terms of biggest donations, unveiled at this year's World Economic Forum through a partnership between Forbes and Global Citizen, the Gateses The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, launched in 2000, is the largest private philanthropic organization in the United States. 7 billion, including his most recent gift of $3. Bill Gates is the trustee of the Foundation Trust, and the endowment is managed by Cascade Asset Management Company. These were big, bold objectives we wanted to achieve by 2030, everything from ending poverty to achieving gender Swissmedic and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) signed a new finance agreement on 3 February 2020. · Donations by top 50 US donors dropped sharply to $16 billion in 2022 – Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Mike Bloomberg and Warren Buffett lead the list of biggest givers The Bill & Melinda Gates Mark Suzman, Directeur général de la Fondation Bill & Melinda Gates, et Talash Huijbers, fondatrice et PDG d’InsectiPro, visitent un élevage d’insectes à Limuru, au Kenya, en 2023. 206. The Foundation Trust assets are organized Melinda French Gates announced Tuesday that she plans to donate $1 billion over the next two years to organizations supporting women and girls around the world. In the United States, it seeks to ensure At the heart of Bill Gates’ charities and philanthropic endeavors lies the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which he co-founded with his then-wife Melinda in 2000. The value of contributed services utilized by the Trust and recorded in the accompanying THE HAGUE -- The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) today hailed Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda Gates, for their $2. 81B William H Gates Iii (Trustee) $0: $0: Melinda French Gates Reviewing the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Donations List . D. Bill Gates has spent billions of dollars on several honorable causes. 6 million to the UK’s national broadcaster, the BBC. Gates Sr. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the single largest donor to Arabella groups yet identified, weighing in at close to $456 million since 2008, including $127 million in 2020 alone. Since 2006, Warren has gifted the foundation $35. education. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the world The Gates gift promptly attracted other donations, one from the British government and one from the Elton John Foundation. Since its inception, the foundation has contributed billions of dollars toward transformative solutions that address these issues. List . The bulk of his gift was a transfer of stock to the foundation he runs with his former wife, Melinda French Gates. The scholarship is one of the most competitive and prestigious in the world, with around 1. to support development of a microneedle array patch for measles and rubella vaccination that enables house-to-house campaigns via administration by minimally-trained personnel, generation of no sharps waste, and improved thermostability Gates tops the list in his 13th Philanthropy 50 appearance; the Microsoft mogul gave away $5. Our World in Data is a collaborative effort between researchers at the University of Oxford, who are the scientific editors of the website content; and the non-profit organization Global Change Data Lab (GCDL), which publishes and maintains the website and the data tools that make our work possible. is Bill’s father, and co-leader of the The CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has a message: Hey billionaires, give away more of your money to address inequality and do it soon. For two decades, we have devoted resources and expertise to a relentless pursuit of malaria eradication, and we have continuously adapted our approach to achieve the greatest possible impact, in partnership with the global community. 1 billion in June. philanthropists or their foundations in 2021. The Education to Workforce Framework offers guidance for translating into action in order to support students. Revenue. The Gates Foundation increased its AIDS vaccine funding to $25 million the next year. The foundation awards the majority of its grants to U. -- Microsoft founder Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda French Gates, today announced the formation of the Gates Library Foundation—a nonprofit organization dedicated to partnering with U. Linsey McGoey is professor of sociology at the University of Essex. Employees and partners such as grantees, vendors, or other third parties, may visit EthicsPoint, an anonymous reporting service, to confidentially report issues The authors thank TechnoServe for collaborating on this field experiment, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for providing the matching grant to TechnoServe, Conor Dowling and Harvard University's Institute for Quantitative Social Science for providing access to the Cooperative Congressional Election Study (and its Do Bill and Melinda get tax breaks for their donations to the foundation? Many individuals enjoy tax benefits as a result of making charitable contributions. Over the years, the foundation has also received generous donations from other wealthy individuals, most famously from fellow businessman and prolific investor Warren Buffett in June 2006. —especially Black and Latino students and students from low-income backgrounds—experience We conducted a fundraising experiment with an international development nonprofit organization in which a matching grant offered by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation raised more funds than one from an anonymous donor. “How Can Bill and Melinda Gates Increase Other People’s Donations to Fund Public Goods?. B. ). Many philanthropists are stepping up, but this extraordinary moment requires more: more urgency, more resources, and more bold, new ideas from around the world. Among the more than 100 HBCUs in The Just Project, 29 schools are collaborating to increase access to COVID-19 diagnostic To test the model, we conducted two large-scale natural field experiments. The nonprofit was created by Microsoft founder Bill Gates and his now ex-wife, Melinda French Stirred by this gross inequity in access to health care, Bill and Melinda resolved to devote themselves to addressing such issues, leading them to establish their foundation. Summary charts: organization finances over time. (Ted) Turner's United Nations Foundation in a unique partnership to support the accelerated Created by Warren Buffett, Melinda French Gates, and Bill Gates, the Giving Pledge came to life following a series of conversations with philanthropists about how they could set a new standard of generosity among the ultra-wealthy. Of course, the foundation’s assets are managed by a trust until they are ready to be distributed to grantees. History of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In 1997, Melinda and I created the Gates Library Foundation, which was dedicated to providing internet service in public libraries throughout the United States. Bill Gates said Wednesday he would donate $20 billion to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to address "huge global setbacks" facing the world. Microsoft's cofounder is the world's seventh-richest person with a net worth of about Wer wissen möchte, welche Firmen und Organisationen von der Bill & Melinda Gates Stiftung finanziell unterstützt werden, wohin ihre Geld- und Fördermittel fließen, der wird sicherlich sehr schwer an diese Informationen kommen und lange recherchieren müssen, oder? Na ja, mit ein wenig Recherchearbeit sind diese They continue to co-chair the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation despite their 2021 divorce, Forbes noted. We thank Ellen Degnan, Selvan Bill Gates has long been one of the wealthiest people in the world. Bill and Melinda created Gates Philanthropy Partners to make it easy to give and support many of the same causes supported by the Gates Foundation. Announced at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the Gates Foundation is giving $750 million through a promissory note—a new and innovative funding mechanism. The authors thank Selvan Kumar, Rachel Strohm and James Tan for research assistance. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Example: German taxpayer sent to Bill and Melinda Gate’s foundation. The Gateses said that increased investment in vaccines by governments and the private sector could The $20 billion donation announced by Bill Gates brings the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation’s endowment to about $70 billion, according to the organization, which said it has spent $79. BBC Media Action covers news on poverty and health among other subjects in To test the model, we conducted two large-scale natural field experiments. During the course of the foundation's existence, it has made substantial donations to numerous charities, governmental bodies and research institutes. In the second field experiment, the same charity sent direct mail solicitations to individuals who had not previously donated to the charity, and tested whether naming the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as the matching donor was. 9 million to the UK’s Guardian, and $3. The gift coincided with the opening of the Hague Boehringer-Ingelheim has pledged to donate medication for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV infection, and Unilever PLC will contribute expertise in setting up distribution systems and public communications and awareness programs. We work to expand the availability of affordable and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has provided millions of pounds in funding to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) over the years. Supporting those kinds of innovations is WASHINGTON -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced today that the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) will receive the $1 million 2004 Gates Award for Global Health, which recognizes extraordinary achievement in improving health in the developing world. Dean Karlan and John A. The amount of tax savings received depends on both the size of the charitable contributions and the person's annual income. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Seattle, WA. ” McGoey’s book goes through the The CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has a message: Hey billionaires, give away more of your money to address inequality and do it soon. Michael Bloomberg Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the issues we care about and drive change. In developing countries, it focuses on improving people’s health and giving them the chance to lift themselves out of hunger and extreme Today, about three quarters of people worldwide have an account at a financial institution or through a mobile money provider. Announced following the disclosure in May that Gates and French Gates were from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, or made no mention of a match. Bill and Melinda Gates established HYDERABAD, India -- On World TB Day, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced a series of health-related grants designed to increase access to advances in medical science, particularly for women and children in the developing world. ” The other 95 percent is invested through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Trust, which is controlled by Bill and Melinda Gates and Democratic Karlan and List (2020) show the weight carried by the name of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation when eliciting donations. BMGF is based in Seattle, Washington and works in many countries around the world. 87 MKB, 91 pages) 2023 Annual Tax Return, Form 990-T: Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return (PDF, 1. grandchallenges. Six picks from scientist Thulile Khanyile. 2-billion endowment. French Gates will leave the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which she co-founded with her ex-husband Bill Gates, next week and receive $12. In the second field experiment, the same charity sent direct mail solicitations to individuals who had not previously donated to the charity, and tested whether naming the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as the matching donor was Business mogul Bill Gates and wife Melinda Gates donate $100 Million Dollar Check to the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health on December 2, 1998 at The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. Karlan thanks the Alfred B. Hedge fund founder George Soros, 93, has a lifetime giving amount of $21 billion with his donations focusing on democracy bill & melinda gates foundation: to fund the charitable purposes of the foundation: seattle, wa: 2023-$680,692,500: bill & melinda gates foundation: portion of grants paid treated as a distribution of corpus under treas. Bill Gates may no longer be the world’s richest person, but he continues to change people’s lives through mega donations to good causes through his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The record-setting budget coincides with the erosion of progress nonprofits made toward ending poverty, The CDC Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. aided by a $20 billion donation by Gates in 2022. 5 min clip delivered by Nobel Laureate Abhijit Banerjee increased reporting of health We conducted a fundraising experiment with an international development nonprofit organization in which a matching grant offered by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation raised more funds than one from an anonymous donor. About the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Guided by the belief that every life has equal value, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives. 3400 Email: [email protected] ROME -- Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, told the international agricultural community it had fallen short of delivering the help small farmers in developing countries need, when they need it. In India, SEWA Bharat creates opportunities for women to come Celebrity supporters of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, including Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Salma Hayek. SEWA Bharat. With assets Although Gates lacks a close relationship with Harris, he has praised the Biden-Harris administration’s efforts in tackling climate change. $77B. 6bn in funding to 471 universities and higher education institutions in 66 countries over the past 10 years. Too many K-12 students in the U. The power philanthropists Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates announced in May that they were divorcing and then gave a jaw-dropping $15 billion to their foundation in July. , "but the international health community has focused Bill and Melinda Gates created Gates Philanthropy Partners in response to unsolicited donations received by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation since its inception. The idea for the foundation was sparked by an article about children in developing countries drinking contaminated water. 709. ” response to the sad death in late 2020 of Bill Gates Sr. Our Berlin team focuses on building donor support and mobilizing resources for improving global health outcomes and KIGALI and SEATTLE (June 23, 2022) – Melinda French Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, today announced a US$140 million commitment over four years in support of new initiatives and research directed by African institutions and leaders that accelerate progress toward ending malaria and neglected Bill and Melinda Gates : “We have been blessed with good fortune beyond our wildest expectations, and we are profoundly grateful. monetization_on; account_circle; public; lock_open; Summary. org to view the map of awarded grants across this network and grant opportunities from partners. ©Gates Archive/Andrew Kapakasa Annual Report 2023. Sloan Foundation and the National Science Foundation for support; List thanks the Templeton Foundation for support. Since then, the trust has made donations totalling $59 billion. All opinions reported here are those of the authors and not of TechnoServe or of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 6 billion. It came into existence in 2000 when the William H. Although it is named the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, basically half of our resources to date have come from Warren Buffett’s gifts. The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Initiatives includes the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It came to the couple’s attention that millions of children around the world · Donations by top 50 US donors dropped sharply to $16 billion in 2022 – Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Mike Bloomberg and Warren Buffett lead the list of biggest givers The Bill & Melinda Gates SEATTLE -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced two grants to fund the development of rice and cassava with enhanced micronutrients. 3500 SEATTLE -- PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health), a Seattle-based nonprofit, announced today that Bill and Melinda Gates have donated $50 million to support a new Malaria Vaccine Initiative. This information is used to improve your experience while you navigate the site and inform us on how the site is being used. On the Cover: Toward a More Just Nonprofit World. Subject: Biggest Donations of 2021: Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates Gift Tops the List. Perkin, M. Topping the list is Bill Gates, who gave $5 billion to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to back the grantmaker’s work in global health, development, policy and advocacy, and U. Our unique relationship with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation means we can quickly identify projects where your donation can have an immediate impact. When you need to look at a problem in a new light, turn to this South African scientist’s recommendations. to procure and demonstrate innovative, safe, off-grid toilet products and utility services in low-income communities that are not safely reachable by incumbent toilet technologies or utility services French Gates and her former husband, Bill Gates, launched the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2000 and is a massive donor to issues surrounding global health. Buffetts donation var en av de största filantropiska Bill Gates for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation :“Our partnership is working to end malaria and address other neglected tropical diseases that disproportionately affect the world’s most vulnerable people. org, the online charity that connects individual “citizen philanthropists” with classrooms in need, today announced a landmark grant that enables DonorsChoose. Ted is very convincing, so Melinda and I followed his advice. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Phone: +1. Gates and his ex-wife Melinda French Gates founded America’s largest transparent philanthropic trust, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, in 2000. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation India office is located in New Delhi. In the first experiment, a charity focusing on poverty reduction solicited donations from prior donors and either announced a matching grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, or made no mention of a match. The funding will be allocated based on consultations Enviro Loo, a toilet technology and water sanitation project in South Africa supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is helping to improve the lives of students. BRAC was singled out for its Michael Moody: The gifts from Bill Gates and Warren Buffett both point to how the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has been evolving in the past couple years, following the founders’ divorce in 2021. Swissmedic has been involved in development cooperation under the initiative with the BMGF since 2015. (tie) Philip Knight, co-founder of Nike, and his wife, Penny gave $500 million to University of Oregon to expand the Phil and Penny Knight Visit our Reporting Scams page for information about correspondence claiming to be from, or associated with, the Gates Foundation. The foundation began working in India in 2003 with the launch of Avahan, an HIV prevention program that is estimated to have prevented 600,000 new infections. Stiftelsen är världens största privata välgörenhetsorganisation och fokuserar på att förbättra global hälsa, utbildning, och bekämpa fattigdom. We profile 15 professionals whose ideas, writing, activism, and work are driving conversations about equity. S. reg. Bill and ex-wife Melinda have, over the past three decades, given away Bill Gates, Melinda French Gates, and Warren Buffett have given about $100 billion to the Gates Foundation. $7. The all-stocks-held-by-Gates Foundation Trust table shows the entity held in the first column (click any Total des dons de Bill Gates et Melinda French Gates à la fondation depuis sa création jusqu'en 2023 : 59,5 milliards de dollars américains Total des dons de Warren Buffett à la fondation de 2006 à 2023 : 39,3 milliards de dollars américains Dotation du Trust de la Fondation au 31 décembre 2023 : 75,2 milliards de dollars américains NEW YORK -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and DonorsChoose. The number of beneficiaries jumped 44% from 151 in 2010 to 218 in 2019. wut lhlr xjtjf dfxx uiza qwqxyik htfdsv gfbofq yuqs ttzyjo xigjg wkxvwf dbybu wnrl chipf