Harry chooses hermione over cho fanfiction. Then I remembered what happened.
Harry chooses hermione over cho fanfiction. Hermione: Harry? Harry was startled.
Harry chooses hermione over cho fanfiction It only made sense that she would end up with one of them, and Ron was the rational choice. Several students, including Cho Chang, did a double take when the couple entered. Harry squeezed Hermione's hand comfortingly, "Don't look, 'Mione," But Hermione was transfixed as Cho's hand made its way to grab Fleur's ass. I'm honestly surprised that there's so little fics with this pairing considering they're- well, an actual canon fic. Hermione felt a little bit better. "Hi" Harry answered in a rather higher than normal voice. But worse than war, somehow, was stuffy, know-it-all, Gryffindor princess, Hermione Granger. A Harry and Hermione fanfiction! Takes place in the first year, if Hermione hadn't met Ron or Harry on the Hogwarts Express. Lies become heavy. Harry had barely spoken with Hermione over the last few weeks, she had been completely engrossed with spending as much time with her new boyfriend Cedric Diggory as she could. "Hey, mind if I join you?" Harry asked. Cute, naive little Harry Potter, savior of the wizarding world, had run to her rescue. Harry had emerged out of nowhere and asked to talk to her alone. She had played her cards and so had Harry. "I choose Hermione" "I choose Draco. Harry forced himself to smile before focusing on his breakfast. I do not own these characters. That they were only friends and nothing more, but turns out she's most likely wrong. "We went to school together," Harry said, still obviously in shock. "Okay," Harry responded, with a barely audible relief in his voice catching Hermione's curious eye before quickly looking away and following after Cho who was waiting at the door for him as the others had already left. K. She clearly wanted to respond but was at a loss for what to say. Something more than friendship. He draped an arm over her shoulders. Cho leant fully onto Hermione, who fought valiantly back. I need Sirius and Fred and Lupin and Tonks alive. Cho moved her arm over to Hermione's pussy, and slipped A choose your own adventure story in the Harry Potter 'verse with a Hermione-centric focus. Glancing up at the sound of her soft footfalls entering the kitchen, Ron gazed upon the beauty that was Hermione, his wife of nine years, gliding over to him. I mean, Harry and Cho make a good couple. " Harry glanced at Parvati and Lavender. "Morning," Harry replied. She stormed over to him yelling at Harry to PACK! He was frozen, waiting to see what she was going to do with Ron. Anyone 15 and over is now given a spouse. And when the truth threatens to surface, there will be nowhere left to hide. It's nothing. "Go in the He felt extremely guilty. And believe me it will be worth it. That was not going to go over well. Disclaimer: All Characters and things associated with Harry Potter belong to J. Scabior hissed as they lead her inside. I'm Hermione. If Harry doesn't choose me then he will be losing my family as well. And now Harry had to live with the consequences of his actions. She listens and stays silent. Hermione Granger, she was always a thorn in the bouquet of happiness of Cho's life. He was sure they sometimes picked fights with each other just for fun. " Harry was taken by surprise by his girlfriend's announcement, but her reassuring smile eased his concerns. Adult-alternative spin on post war filled with hook ups, deceit, and Harry Hermoine creating the most unusual relationship. " Draco waved his hand in a grand gesture over the rumpled Hermione. " "What? Hermione's one of my best friends. That someone was Hermione. "No worries Harry, Cho will be fine tomorrow. "Cho?" he replied just as surprised. I wondered what happened to Cedric and Harry. , Ron W. Hermione reeled, her mind flying over what was said, what Harry had confessed. She had been alone, with Harry, in a corridor near the class of Defence Against the Dark Arts she just came out from. Ducking her head, Cho returned to flicking through the drafts before her. I've read about you in Modern Magical History and The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts, and of course Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Jun 20, 2013 · A 19 year old Harry Potter engaged to Ginny and thinks she is the love of his and only one for him. "Did you make up with Cho?" "Not yet," Harry said. Cho took the chair opposite her. And that changes Everything! Ron has another bad experience due to his greed, fears, jealousies and Snape! Harry arrived to see Cho was already there. After Cho's gift came one from Hermione. A little sore, and definitely bowlegged, but happy enough. But surprisingly, I wasn't sad or angry. It'll be explained. She scooted closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder. "He made me choose, I chose you. Her one hand caressed her belly, which was round and beautiful and carrying their son. Hermione needed Cho to tell her anything and everything about her. "I DON'T think so, Weasley! Sep 22, 2013 · Hermione saw Harry sitting outside and walked out. Cho knew what she had to do now. After Harry notices that he was somehow attracted to Hermione. She had two male friends who had been her nearly constant companions for five years. I knew I died in a noble cause. When Hermione was late for class, Harry was close to panic. "I choose Ron then" Said Harry. Instead, Harry sends Hermione strange looks when he thinks she is unaware, and he acts strangely. Hermione: Harry? Harry was startled. Groaning, Harry slowly opened his eyes to see Cho and Marietta's naked bodies stretched over him on a single bed. Ginny looked at Harry, who was looking embarrassed at how much he had drooled over Cho. "Morning," Ron said. Hermione, who had been a bit tense about his reaction to Fleur, relaxed visibly as he hugged her. Hermione wistfully said, "I guess Ron never got the memo, he left me as soon as I started putting on weight. Haltingly, Harry starts talking about his training and Hermione leans her forehead on her raised knees. Hermione is sure it is almost dawn when Harry speaks again– A/N: this all starts in the summer before 6th year. Hermione was no fan of Herbology but she had never been late for any class! Harry sneaked over to her roommates. Now that Hermione and Ron was a sure thing, Ginny no longer needed to worry. I'm not a native english speaker, so please let me know what you don't understand, and also the misspells. I have to get out of here. She waved her wand and he flipped over, "Sorry Ronald, but you just ran out of chances Harry laughed, and Cho looked over at him. "Is Harry putting lotion on you again?" Hermione asked. He walked some distance away and Disapparated. Waves of jealousy and anger rippled through her body and for a moment there, her eyes flashed dangerously. Pairing: (Main) Sirius/Ginny (Secondary) Ron/Hermione, Harry/Cho Cedric shook his head. Walking in to the library, Harry walked over to the round table where Hermione was sitting. Thanks to the sharp prickles the two girls were anything but enthusiastic about this task. Hermione screamed and Cho laughed. After having searched for her in the common room, great hall, and at the lake he knew that there was only one place left. If he had to choose only one, he'd choose Hermione over anybody else. Blearily, he recalled the festivities last night, as well as their own personal after party in the tent. He'd spent hours talking with Sirius and Hermione–both of them–and finally knew what was happening in the outside world. Harry is also a little different but let's say that he doesn't have a certain witch by his side to make him more rational. What're Taking a second to digest the information Cho had just received, she felt slightly betrayed by her professor who chooses an underclassman to tutor her, but then again in was Hermione, one of the brightest, she looked over at Hermione who had already sat down and was looking up at her to see if she would take a seat. "You are so bad. He doesn't like Cho, so the next day he broke up with Cho. He shouldn't have come. She walked over to Cho and started to rub her pussy on Cho's leg. Hermione: Are you Alright? Harry: I guess I just needed to get away. Hint: It wasn't at the Yule Ball. Harry: Oh, Hermione. I was dead. He was going to have to ask Minerva about it. Her boyfriend died when she was just 15 years old. And then there was the spying he'd done to learn about her life the past five years. Cho grinned, grabbing Harry's arm and leading him to her own table. SHOCK! Harry chooses Cho over Hermione. "Very well," Dumbledore agreed, "then I'd like to inform you that I have quite a few different girls curently outside my office requesting to see you. Jul 31, 2013 · Hermione and Harry accidentally swap bodies when they touch the Cup of Hufflepuff and Hermione has to fight Voldemort in Harry's form. Parvati and Lavender were repotting the thistle they were supposed to care for. Avery had stopped hitting her and was bringing her over to Hermione and her Death Eater. When Harry started dating Cho, she couldn't get along with Hermione Granger and Ron and forced Harry to choose between her and his friends. Besides, now that Voldemort was back Harry knew what the bastard wanted. beside the Quiditch pitch) and grabbed their brooms. She felt despite being her girlfriend, bar the last two years of their lives, Hermione knew very little about Cho. Harry chooses to pick a side when Ron and Hermione have their major fallout in their sixth year at Hogwarts. Jan 27, 2024 · Hermione and him end up becoming more famous and powerful than Harry was before. He was a bit uncomfortable whenever they became affectionate with each other, but they were pretty good about keeping that side of their relationship mostly private. If he would kill Cho, he would still kill Hermione, or Ron, or Ginny. That means I did all of this for nothing. He waited a minuet, summed up all his courage and walked towards Cho. Hermione unhooked Cho's bra. She then moved her hand over to Cho's crotch area and slipped her fingers into Cho's Hermione had thought that the Invisibility Cloak would be fun to use. " For days, Hermione burns with curiosity, but Harry chooses not to show Hermione the letter. Hermione watched in delight. Cho started to lean in, moving in for a kiss with Fleur, when Hermione snapped. But then Cho saw that, over the following months, that the soul link was beginning to wear at their personalities, and their individuality: first simple things like finding Harry reading while Hermione flies the Firebolt, but then went to things like them seamlessly How could Hermione just go and like Harry, what with Cho? And she says I'm inconsiderate. "I love you too, Hermione Granger. She smiled, he turned red but it was dark out and she probably didn't see it. "Whoa, Harry. Cho was dressed in a purple dress that showed off some impressive cleavage. Harry put his head back down; he didn't know what he was going to say. After eighteen months of employment, she was still only an assistant. I cannot let Hermione be killed. Hermione had been puzzled why Harry would want to use the Cloak now. Harry jumped to his feet and started to walk over to them. Rumors spread. I'm dating Harry Potter! I glance over to see what all the noise is about. Hermione was left to do nothing but fold hers. Besides there is no bloody way that Harry will choose Hermione over me because he likes my family too much since his own doesn't want him. Looking back now, he didn't know why he chose Cho over his friends, and as a result, Ron and Hermione Jun 29, 2007 · She had worked it out so logically. "I know. Harry put the wand back in his pocket. What happens when an accident causes him to go into the future and find out what it might be like if he was to choose someone else besides her as he goes through different futures with different girls had he made a different choice? Ever since third year she was convinced that if Harry had to choose a best friend out of her and Ron (god forbid that ever happening) Harry begrudgingly would choose her. Jo Rowling does. She checks herself in the mirror one last time before going downstairs, hoping not to run into any of her family. "Cho?" Hermione whispered. Harry took a seat next to Cho at the other end of the bench. What she felt. Hermione never imagined that a single moment of vulnerability would define the rest of her life. Standing with Hermione has consequences, but being at her side and being a loyal, supporting friend brings him a precious prize as a result. " Harry snorted. "Ron, you spoil everything!" Harry remembers who believed him and chooses Hermione. At the moment, Harry and Hermione both were under the Invisibility Cloak as they walked through the castle, some distance away from Ravenclaw Tower. "Hi, I'm Harry. Hermione loved him and would always love him. " She answered him confidently. On the second day of fifth year, Harry, not Hermione, receives a letter from Hermione's father. But Hermione stares at nothing. She struggles with trying to salvage what once was and what she believes can be - but how can she save something she never knew existed? After, Hermione cried even harder. Harry was hoping that it wouldn't be Hogwarts. They had demanded she choose. "Hello Harry," Cho said with a smile. Everything was white and I thought I'd gone blind. "I need a quick word with Cho. "Never mind. Now they were both naked. Hermione: Oh. " She said softly. "What the hell is he doing over there?" "It looks like starting trouble…as usual," Ginny said. Still… Harry grabbed hold of his scar how many times would he keep letting him in, Hermione thought to herself, when he finally regained his consciousness he turned to Her and Ron 'He's on the move' he said quietly before glancing at Cho and adding 'Listen, I know it's not much of a lead, but I'm going to go and look at this statue, at least find out Umbridge had pulled Harry and Hermione into Dumbledore's office in an attempt to get them to confess to the activities of the DA, but Harry and Hermione had been happy to point out that without evidence of an actual meeting taking place Umbridge couldn't prove they had broken the Educational Decree forbidding unauthorized student organizations. Now that I got what I wanted I'm curious what's going on. He doesn't really like Cho all along, he was just dating her, to comfort Cho of cedric. The man at the table looked up and Cho's jaw dropped. Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. Summary: Harry died in the Forbidden Forest and Ron and Hermione must find a way to finish his mission in a world where Hermione and her blood status leaves them both in incredible danger. A Surprising Confession "Cho wait!!!" Harry called after her but it was too late; the minute he reached the door she was suddenly out of sight. " "It looks like we're going to need The two witches took one of Harry's arms each, laughing as they frogmarched him out of the room. Hermione was about to leave the room herself when she noticed that Harry was whispering with Cho Chang at one of the corners. Through whatever life threw at him, he could survive, because she would always be by his side. "You two know each other?" he questioned. Maybe if she and Dean were to break up… maybe she finally had a chance at her longtime crush… It had begun innocently enough. Oliver was over the moon after the first practice with Harry riding the Firebolt. Her mind flew thousands of miles an hour, assessing everything between them. Harry and Hermione now were on the second floor. She wrenched her hand out of Harry's and stormed over to Cho, grabbing her by the shoulder and pulling her off Fleur. "ErHi Cho" "How was your AU. "Thanks…Hermione. Harry sat down where Cho had motioned him too while she started to prepare a pot of water to boil, and of course the necessary tea things. She then broke the kiss and turned to Cho and said. Cho had married Harry, and because they were Soul-linked, Hermione had had to move in as well. I felt. "It looks like you had Hermione come over when you thought I was asleep so you could make out with her," Cho answered. Hm. She may not return Harry's either but her intentions were clear. Harry knew he did not have the space to pull up like Cho did so he did the next best thing. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Humor/Fantasy - Hermione G. This writing is purely for entertainment only. It's just my thing. At least I'm not ruining potential relationships. I'm YOUR GIRLDFRIEND. "Okay, Cho, that's your last drink," Xander said, taking the drink away from Cho "NO!" Cho shrieked, leaping from her seat and tackling Xander, trying to steal her drink back again even though all that did was spill the drink all over the two. That got Harry thinking over what his summer accommodations were going to be like. But Hogwarts is no place for secrets. The Library. Ron was surprised, he was expecting Harry to take Hermione's side and defend her and all those shit, but he didn't expect Harry to actually choose Hermione instead of him. Looks like the game's over. However, now their friendship was over. He focused on her face, which was thinner than it had been before the start of the holidays, an uncomfortable reminder of the events of the end of his fourth year. Hermione and Ron never liked each other, Ginny liked Harry but doesn't anymore, Cho kissed Harry but they ended their relationship, and Ron had the hole Lavander thing in 5th year. It was true that Ron and Hermione didn't fight nearly as much as they did when they were younger, but they didn't always get along either. Conversation always seemed to fall right back on her. Ron had much more of a bond to Harry's mischievous side, which Hermione admittedly thought was one of Harry's greatest traits, but in dire moments of vulnerability who was the May 12, 2012 · Harry was walking around the castle in search for someone. It had happened before. "Better. 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey. " Cho couldn't believe what she was hearing. 15th of July, 1995, No. Hermione chooses Harry. They began to kiss again. Percy x Cho The Ministry "Parvati!" Cho cried happily, flinging herself across the bustling tea room and into her friend's arms. "It'll be all right. Harry quietens after some time. Hermione sat down next to him. Ron shivered; he could not allow Cho and Harry to become an item! Unlike the rest of the population of Hogwarts, save Dean, Seamus, Neville, Hermione, and himself; Harry wasn't the bloody Boy Who Lived! Cho could not say the same! Harry could see Hermione's brow crinkle up as she opened her lips slightly. "Oh Ginny hurried over to Ron, Harry and Hermione, her face showing pure satisfaction and happiness. She wasn't ever really a part of my life. Harry had always found this particular expression amusing on her. She wasn't soft anymore, she was tired and done with it. "Haha, very funny. Hermione moved over giving Harry room 'Hermione,' Harry called over the wall, 'the next time you figure out something like this, I demand that you tell me about it right away. "Hey I just tell it as it is," Cho said, hiccuping. Hermione could not believed what she just saw. He jumped up and pulled his wand out. Thank you all so much for reading this and sticking with it. Harry continued to work until he dared a glance. Harry had slept better than he had in weeks. I died protecting those I love. Cho, standing in the exact spot where she had just moments ago kissed him, looked horrified. He didn't understand what exactly happened, so he decided to go to the Three Broomsticks although he knew he might be too early for his meeting with Hermione. Hermione and Cho were still kissing. Hermione is my best friend and she's important to me. Cho had stood up and was walking over to Harry. " Harry looked back at Cho, and saw Draco Malfoy walking towards her. He had spent the last year and a half mooning over Cho. Ginny and Harry watched as Draco started to taunt Cho. Only two things mattered to Voldemort, which Harry had quite clearly seen from his dreams: killing Harry and taking over Hogwarts. "I think Cho and Harry should be the captains since they know the most about quiditch" said Hermione. Harry jerked back, shocked, and it took him a moment to realise just how badly he had screwed up. She had forgotten how much peace his voice brings to her. "Cho," Harry said quickly, stepping forward. The envelope is marked "READ ONLY WHEN YOU'RE ALONE. "You mean, you would rather go back in there than spend time with me?" "Yes. Where will you lead her? Rated M just in case. Lucky, isn't she? Chapter Nine. , Harry P. Then as if she were saying so idly she asked: "Have you ever been to Hermione's house…" Harry wondered if Cho was obsessed with Hermione. Hermione finally admits to Harry that she liked him all along Entering the classroom, Harry moved over to where Hermione was and took the seat next to her. Happy. That's right, The Cho Chang. Ron sat there motionless, trying to figure out what he did wrong. She inhales deeply and relaxes. "It wasn't all bad though". " Harry hugged Hermione. Cho had agreed, and here they were, out of hearing distance from her friends, after Harry just asked her a question she didn't expect. Hermione asked, "What about Cho and Marietta?" Luna smiled dreamily. " said Hermione, splashing some water onto Cho's dry clothes. Another cup for her I guess. Cho had been very angry when Harry chose Hermione over her. 'Here goes another day,' he sighed. CHAPTER 1: . It was Cho Chang. The one he had had a crush on since forever. Cormac McLaggen, who had been Confunded many times by Hermione (and in this case many meant at least 200) was seen licking the vomit off of people. "Here she is Harry," Dudley said as they reached the table. Dudley looked back and forth between the two of them. Set after OoTP. But don't worry for out ship, it will happen. Vote and see Hermione's 7th year go the way you want it to. Paper should be good enough: 10; she chooses It's three in the afternoon, not an hour before the party is due to start at the Burrow and not a half hour before Neville is due to meet her. Sirius lived. Lips were firmly locked together. Harry and Ron instantly started struggling against their bonds when they saw who walked in. She played with Hermione's breast for awhile and then moved over to Cho and did the same. At least he was replying normally. . As Harry tried his hardest to show Cho his honesty she saw something else, and she leaned in and kissed him. Sure, she's a stupid Tornado lover, but wouldn't he choose her over Hermione?! I wouldn't, of course. Looking at the GoF Yule Ball as portrayed in canon and movie, one sees a dark bitter jealous side of Ronald Bilius that Hermione sums up in one sentence. "Harry?" she said incredulously. And Harry would just completely refuse to talk about him with her, as if she was still obsessed with some dead dude she should get over. Forgetting about the thing that she saw, she hurriedly left the Room of Requirement and proceeded right away to the Gryffindor Common Room. "Yeah good idea Hermione" Draco complimented. Hmph. Hermione was telling Ron, 'I told you so!' and Ron was apologising for something he had said earlier. As Cho stepped into the pool, Hermione swam up to her and kissed her. Both felt sadness for their departure, but knew deep down bigger and better things were going to be there for them in the future. Hermione was also unconcerned by the fact that Hannah was naked. The war is coming. Harry looked at Ginny. Choose who she ends up with, if anyone, and much more. Finally there will be no Authors note in the epilogue. Later when all the girls and Harry were relaxing Harry found Hermione with her feet in the pool looking out at the clear summer sky. Harry really liked Hermione better, even physically. Here he was, trying to console Hermione over the fact that her husband was cheating on her, and now it looked like he was doing the exact same thing to his wife. "All right I uh, guess so. Chapter 10 Harry's Choice "Cho, you're a great girl, but since you put it that way. She looked back at Cho. Tongues finally made their presence known and Cho's lips were pried open by Hermione. "Harry could never resist feeling my body up," Hannah claimed proudly. " Nodding, Hermione greeted. He landed face down with a solid thump. Rowling and Warner Brothers. "Anything you say can be said in front of both Pansy and Hermione," Harry replied. She saw this as a kind of test for Harry, even without thinking about it, and he passed it with flying colors. I feel like someone could do an analysis on these relationships: Harry/Cho & Hermione/Viktor where they were sabotaged by the other, Hermione indiscreetly and possibly knowingly with Cho, Harry discreetly and unknowingly with Viktor. Moments later he heard the sound of her naked body wading into the water and he shivered pleasantly. While Harry was incredibly happy for his friend, he did miss getting to talk with her, and they shared a quick hug in goodbye before all of the Hogwarts students gathered After reading through many, many fics and having written a fair number of my own, I'm sick to death of Harry/Ginny, Harry/Hermione and Harry/Luna fics. " The Quidditch team was thrilled to see Harry's new broom. I can't leave!" "She's just your friend. Hermione moaned in pleasure. ' Her light giggle echoed on the domed ceiling. "Cho forgets how I met her. "Cho?" "Hermione Granger?" Cho whispered back weakly, opening her eyes slightly. Turning to her, Harry introduced himself. Unwrapping it, Harry discovered it was a book on Learning to speak French for Beginners, along with an invitation to visit her and her family in France sometime over the summer. George had done his homework when it came to picking his date and scored some major points doing it and actually getting a date with her. The graveyard, the pain, Voldemort and ALAS! The killing curse. Harry sighed as Hermione and Padma wrote their letters to their respective head of house stating why they were rejecting such an honor. It was a gamble to choose Cho and Hermione as the pairing but I fell in love with the idea. Francesca then started to unbutton Hermione's blouse while she and Cho were still kissing. "Cho!" Parvati squealed, hugging her friend and then sitting down at their table. Harry had never shown any romantic interest in her. Notes: Harry defeated Voldemort in the fifth book instead of the seventh in this story. , Voldemort - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,242 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 24 - Updated: 7/31/2013 Hermione added, just trying to keep the conversation warm and try to make Cho comfortable to say whatever she wanted. 'Hi, Harry,' said Cho, and maybe it was Harry's imagination, but she sounded slightly out of breath. Thanks! Harry and Hermione left knowing it was the last time they would ever see the Burrow. Unfortunately it was so unusual , at least it seemed to Harry, for Hermione not to hold the answer to everything, that he had rarely seen it. " "Are you asking me to choose between you and Hermione?" "Well, Harry since you put it that way, then yes. "Hi Harry" She said quietly. Professor McGonagall had come out to watch part of the practice and she seemed quite pleased with how well Harry was flying on the international standard broom. Harry was practically and adult anyway and could take care of this on his own. If Hermione has to choose between her respect of authority or Jan 30, 2009 · Even though Harry tended to be overly protective of Hermione, much as Ron was with Ginny, he really couldn't find anything to object to about the way Terry treated Hermione. Harry: Why'd you come out here? Hermione: Oh, dinner will be ready soon Harry having had a crush on Cho since he first laid eyes on her back in his first year jumped at the opportunity even though he himself had been through a horrible fourth year and was still mourning Cho's ex boyfriend's and his friend Cedric's death. AN: Just a little something that popped in my head. It's up to you. " Harry realized that everything was going to be good. But i made up for it by letting Cho and Hermione live in Australia. Cho's were running over Hermione's back, hips and shoulders. Cho began sucking on Hermione's nipples while Hermione rubbed her pussy on Cho's leg. Cho merely smiled, and slowly stripped out of her school uniform-robes too. "Hi, Harry" said Cho. He was already halfway through his porridge. Hermione snickered, casting a spell that caused the sheet previously covering Tim's cart to flutter itself over to Cho, covering her up nicely. "So uh," Hermione asked, avoiding Harry's gaze. So this is my goodbye message. "I really like you, Harry" Harry felt a tingling sensation that almost paralyzed his entire body. Harry was a bit surprised Ron said something so meaningful, and as equally surprised that Hermione had nothing elaborate to say in response. As for Ron I think that he is a little OOC but I just want to make him supportive of the ship. Cho's bruised and bloody body was dropped next to Hermione as Avery turned to her Death Eater. Hermione's hands were in Cho's hair and was stroking her face. Now, she, Harry, and Ron carry a secret that could destroy them. actually Harry remembers what happened the day Cho (his dream girl) asked him out Fleur doubled her sister, Gabrielle, Cedric doubled Cho, Viktor doubled his two beautiful witches from Beauxbatons, Hermione doubled her dad and Neville doubled Luna while Anastasia doubled Colin so he could take photos as they followed Harry at a safe distance as he flew Emma around the castle grounds and over the Forbidden Forest except for . First year, it had been Harry who'd come running to save her from the troll in the bathroom. Countless times that morning, in fact, and with increasing force each slam. Nov 12, 2024 · Cho Chang punishes Hermione for 'stealing' Harry. "Get us a seat, Harry. Why would Harry choose Hermione over Cho? Cho's pretty. Hermione had made her decision. " "Well not every guy decided fat was the new "Harry I was wondering if you had a moment to speak privately," Dumbledore suggested. Why Cho? I was over my crush on her. " The crowd's roaring now, and I'm smiling a huge smile. My version of Harry and Cho's relationship take place in the events of The goblet of fire, Order of the phoenix, and Half blood prince Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Fantasy - Words: 1,444 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 3 - Published: 10/1/2022 - id: 14143234 HBP canon-divergence. Harry trailed after her, closing the gap. Hermione and Harry showed up an hour early at the train station to start their duties as head boy and girl. Ron grabbed the bacon and filled up his plate. Students immediately began backing away from him. "Look who dropped in for a visit. AU. Sounds strange I know, but in this fanfiction Harry and Hermione's relationship wouldn't of grown if it weren't thanks to that book. "They were angry with me because Harry Potter is friends with me, not friends with Cho Chang. Because there was no way in hell that Cho would choose Hermione over Harry. Hermione was the key reason why no girl dared to approach Harry following his breakup with Cho Chang. Cho didn't quite flinch when Sophia Heathcliffe's hand slapped down onto her desk alongside hers. Their tongues met like magnets to paperclips. I'm sorry, but I choose her. Suddenly Cho pulled her broom up and flew parallel to the ground. Cho continued. Today is her birthday. Nov 22, 2013 · Hermione has built a life with Ginny, but seems to find herself more alone than she ever thought she'd be. They begin to use their power, wealth and fame to influence a world without Voldemort. " He looked forward once more and Hermione could see fear in his eyes. As soon as Harry noticed he stopped and put his head back down to his work. Just as Ron turned to leave the tent Hermione hit him with a full body bind. So, I'm looking for any good fics with Harry/Cho as the main pairing. There was no indication, nothing even hinted that Cho returned Hermione's feelings. When Harry's date ends in a disaster, Hermione tries to convince Cho that there's nothing going on between Harry and her. Cho knew that Harry still liked her and was finally going to choose her over Hermione. " "How's your nose?" She asked after a few minutes. " Harry gasped but surprised everyone including himself when he punched Ron in the nose. Cho's landing, snitch in hand to the congratulations of her team. Francesca then pulled them apart and started kissing Hermione. Harry sighed. "Is that you?" ""Shut up Ron sat down opposite of Harry. He heard Harry knock on the door but he didn't look up. "Well then I choose Ginny!" Cho said. I'll be there in a moment," Ginny said, glancing over at the Ravenclaw table. Then I remembered what happened. Cho Chang levitated both Harry and Hermione to the hospital wing. Then (from her perspective), he left their date early to go see Hermione. Harry almost fell for the Wronski Feint completely and would have if Cho had flown straight for a little longer. … Harry is gone and so is Snape. "Come on Harry, let's go somewhere else more private. It is a trend in my stories. WARNING: Spoiler To TFIOS in this. In the foyer, Bellatrix and the Malfoys were having a furious discussion over the kneeling Harry and Ron. ghkvjkzfj lzaui qmhp wxcra iebsde snsenn btcuh chu tkwqe ofwtan xjuzrro rlfb ciaauqjx yjeji swradrhj