Jail bird idiom meaning. Bird’s-Eye View.
Jail bird idiom meaning Click on the alphabet to view idioms starts with DO BIRD definition: 1. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush - something that is certain is better than something that is not certain "You should keep the prize money and not try to win more. old-fashioned for jailbird informal. What does jailbird expression mean? How to use jailbird idiom? Define jail bird. WordReference. Dec 15, 2020 · Meaning: It is a phrase used to describe something you know is not in good condition, but you have to select it since you don't have an option of choosing the better one. free as a bird phrase. 5K views, 87 likes, 7 loves, 11 comments, 200 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Learn With Dr. A convict; someone who is in jail or has been recently released from prison. Cooper 1917. 23. old-fashioned for jailbird informal 2. Usage : Nehruji was jail bird before India got independence. I Was Once a " Jailbird " 3. The boy cocked one eye at him -- he knew that Jurgis was a "jailbird" by his shaven head. completely free to do as you want 2. Apr 23, 2015 · Video shows what jailbird means. Jack of all trades: skilled in many areas: He’s a jack of all trades and can fix anything around the house. as free as a bird (completely free) A prisoner escaped from jail and was as free as a bird for two weeks. Immersive learning for 25 languages JAIL definition: 1. Country of origin: United States of America. Qasim Ali What are the meanings of A Jail Bird? Origin of A Jail Bird with examples Oct 10, 2017 · 12 sentence examples: 1. " Oxford English Dictionary - jailbird It's the early bird that gets the worm; Jail bird; Larry Legend (Nickname of Larry Bird) Norwegian Wood – This Bird Has Flown (Beatles song) Rare bird; Sing like a bird; That bird has flown; The Basketball Jesus (Nickname of Larry Bird) The Bird Man of Alcatraz (Nickname of Robert Stroud) The Great Bird of the Galaxy (Nickname of writer Gene Nov 5, 2019 · A bird's eye view means an overall or cursory look at something. 14. free as a bird. Mark is getting released from jail today. Know answer of question : what is meaning of Jail bird in Hindi? Jail bird ka matalab hindi me kya hai (Jail bird का हिंदी में मतलब ). You already have the bird. Jul 3, 2010 · The definition of jail bird is "a person who is or has been confined in jail; convict or ex-convict". Practical Exercises for the Idiom “flip the bird” In order to fully grasp and utilize the meaning of the idiom “flip the bird”, it is important to practice using it in various situations. jailbird synonyms, jailbird pronunciation, jailbird translation, English dictionary definition of jailbird. Then, you can watch a video where I teach the idioms’ meanings. Example: My dad is an early bird. It is a combination of the words "jail," referring to a prison, and "bird," which in this context refers to a person. What does do your bird expression mean? Mark is getting released from jail today. Example: my little daughter is the most precious of my life; she is the apple of my eye. You are being critical but in my opinion Rajesh’s appointment to this post is just the thing. jail bird; Jail Birds; Jail What does bird has flown expression mean? How to use bird has flown idiom? [bird] {n. The get out of jail free card - Idioms by The Free Dictionary a bird's-eye view a general view from above the birds and the bees basic facts about sex and reproduction as told to a child birds of a feather people with similar tastes and interests This phrase comes from the proverb birds of a feather flock together which has been current in this form since the late 16th century. Origin. Meaning: Someone who wakes up or starts work early. A Bird's Eye View. Learn more. For example, when flying in an airplane you get a bird’s-eye view of the towns and cities below you. A: "I Artistic Expression and Personal Stories. It suggests being prompt, diligent, and taking advantage of opportunities. Example: From the top of the mountain, we had a bird’s-eye view of the valley below. e. [1] Compare gallows bird. It contains a list of words with similar meanings with jail cell, allowing users to choose the best word for their specific context. (AS) FREE AS A BIRD definition: 1. jail phrase. Bird’s-Eye View. Powered IDIOMS: MEANINGS: EXAMPLES: Jail Bird: a repeat criminal: The detective recognized the suspect as a jail bird who had been in and out of prison for years. But I got a new phrase called "prison bird". What does ‘Early bird’ mean? Where does the phrase ‘Early Sep 21, 2021 · Hello, I've just come across the phrase "to do bird" in a dictionary, meaning "spend time in jail". Jaundiced eye: a biased attitude Phrase Finder. A prisoner or an ex-prisoner. ' jail bird Bengali Meaning - জেলঘুঘু; দাগী আসামী; | jail bird শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ ; Edictionarybd. It is often used informally and can be synonymous with 'convict' or 'prisoner. Kill Two Birds with One Stone. From Inside the Box 2010. keep an eye out: Idiom Meaning and Origin The phrase "keep an eye out" means to be watchful or alert for something or someone, often with the aim of finding or noticing them. 22. This expression suggests that by doing something before others, you will be at an advantage. What does ‘early bird’ mean? The idiom "early bird" refers to a person who wakes up or starts something early in the morning. By incorporating this phrase into your daily vocabulary, you will be able to express yourself more effectively and convey your emotions with greater JAILBIRD meaning: 1. Definition: Having something for certain is better than the possibility of getting something better. Thus, from the above explanation, we can say that a bird's eye view means a general view. ’ FAQs. do your bird phrase. Definition of jailbird by the Dictionary of American Idioms. The old town gossip referred to the recently released man as a jailbird. At some point, the word “fledgling” was dropped from the idiom. a person who has been in prison 2. A jail bird is a person who has been imprisoned or convicted of a crime. Compare gallows bird. This idiom refers to a general view of something, usually Sep 11, 2022 · It is not clear why these birds were chosen to represent nakedness, but or why jays replaced robins — which are similarly colorful — in the idiom. This phrase describes a view that is seen as a bird might see it, from an elevated perspective. Literal meaning: The origin of this idiom apparently dates back to Britain in the 19th century when the idiom “To give him the big bird” was used in theatrical circles referring to the act of hissing at someone on JAILED definition: 1. the birds and the bees meaning – sex education example – My dad is talking to my little brother about the birds and the bees. محاورا A Jail Bird سے کیا مراد ہے؟ یہ کب اور کیسے شروع ہوا؟ Dr. Idioms are expressions that help us describe an exact situation in a different, more creative way. He is one of the most popular and trusted sources of information on phrases and idioms. ইংরেজি - বাংলা Online অভিধান। Providing the maximum meaning of a word by combining the best sources with us. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. A: "I 'eard A Bird’s-Eye View Meaning. Oct 10, 2017 · The colloquial meaning "man, fellow, person" is from 1799. Kill two birds with one stone: achieve two things in one stroke Judge Carrie Ann Inaba tells E! that the jailbird is her first choice for the next season. He’s a jail bird who is always looking for a way to escape. Girl, woman. What does the get out of jail free card expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. past simple and past participle of jail 2. 2,500 English idioms, phrases and proverbs that we use every day, with their meanings and origins explained. Dive in Apr 26, 2023 · Lots of these bird idioms can be used in relation to work, studying, or school, and none more so than the phrase the early bird catches the worm. He wakes up at 5 am every day. a criminal who has been jailed repeatedly. but when we talk of a jailed bird… bittukr8825p925bt bittukr8825p925bt Aug 21, 2023 · The early bird catches the worm. See examples of JAILBIRD used in a sentence. She’s a jail bird who has lost contact with her family while in prison. Phrase for the birds in reference to If you refer to someone as a jailbird, you mean that they are in prison, or have been in prison. They offer a glimpse into the culture and history of a language. Each individual who adorns this symbol carries a unique narrative etched on their skin, reflecting their journey, struggles, and aspirations. Definition of jailbird noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. What does (as) free as a bird expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. ” For example, “a piece of cake” means something that is very easy. Strictly for the Birds. Definition: A view seen from high above. Is that very stupid for me to ask the question because I checked it before I am here but no result nevertheless I worry it might be existing? Jail-bird meaning in Bengali - দাগী আসামী জেলঘুঘু; | English – Bangla & English (E2B) Online Dictionary. Noun 1. The term "jail bird" is a slang expression that originated in the 18th century. Comprehensive K-12 personalized learning. Its ‘clipped’ form, ‘bird’ meaning prison time evolved later in the 19th century. Jailbird Meaning. jail-bird Bengali Meaning - দাগী আসামী জেলঘুঘু | jail-bird শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ ; Edictionarybd. What is the pronunciation of jailbird? 坐過牢的人,囚犯… 坐过牢的人,囚犯… delincuente habitual, preso reincidente… habitué da prisão, (ex-)detento… Need a translator? Get a quick, free translation! JAILBIRD definition: 1. Make both ends meet: live frugally What does did his bird expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. The Oxford Learner’s Dictionary defines an idiom as “a group of words whose meaning is different from the meanings of the individual words. It’s not just a list of idioms – instead, each lesson helps you learn the expressions more actively. to put someone in a jail: . [ informal , old-fashioned ] Synonyms: prisoner , convict , con [ slang ] , lag [ slang ] More Synonyms of jailbird Feb 25, 2024 · The idiom “sing like a bird” is a common phrase in the English language that means to reveal information or confess something freely. Lion’s share: the major part: The CEO took the lion’s share of the company’s profits. The meaning of JAILBIRD is a person confined in jail; especially : a habitual criminal. What does free as a bird expression mean? The convict escaped from jail and was as Idioms related to jailbird Wikipedia articles (New!) con, convict, jail bird, jail-bird, yardbird, canary bird, bird, jailhouse lawyer Definition of do your bird in the Idioms Dictionary. meanings, etymology, pronunciation and more in the Oxford English Dictionary 2. done bird phrase. A: "I 'eard Bill's doing his bird 'Jailbird' [ˈdʒeɪlˌbɜːrd] is a noun that refers to a person who has been in jail, especially repeatedly. Idiom Explorer See alsojump the gun: Idiom Meaning and OriginThe idiom The idiom "king of birds" refers to the bird that is considered the most powerful, dominant, or superior among other birds. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Learning about the birds behind the idioms can help birders know more about not only the birds but about how all birds are part of cultural expression and common languages. Apr 21, 2023 · बार-बार जेल जाने वाला अपराधी – Jail bird. To flip (someone) the bird. Phil became a jailbird because of a now-notorious event which took place just a few yard Jail Bird: a repeat criminal: The detective recognized the suspect as a jailbird who had been in and out of prison for years. jail•bird ( jāl Definition of as free as a bird in the Idioms Dictionary. jailbird, n. Your parents might refer to your disgraced car thief cousin a jailbird. ' Examples include 'He was a jailbird who had spent most of his life behind bars' and 'She was married to a jailbird who had just been released from prison. How to say jailbird. com | Online Language Dictionaries. com is an English & Bangla Online Dictionary; ইংরেজি - বাংলা অভিধান; 4 days ago · a criminal who has been jailed repeatedly. The jailbird cast about him for a way of escape. jailbird idiom meaning. there are no limits for a bird it can fly any where it can as it is gifted by the god . The reason for the fact that the idiom "naked as a jaybird" is the only place in which these birds are referred to as "jay birds ", rather than simply "jays", also remains a mystery. It can be a loved one, a family member whose sadness cannot be seen by the other person. Bird-watching is attested from 1897. Figurative meaning: To give someone the finger, i. Master the word "JAILBIRD" in English: definitions, translations, synonyms, pronunciations, examples, and grammar insights - all in one complete resource. Jul 23, 2010 · Idiom : Jail bird. Feb 16, 2023 · He’s a jail bird who regrets his past and is trying to make amends. A bird in the hand is a sure thing; it’s in your hand. } 1. Noun jailbird (pl. Most of the time, idioms are language-specific and cannot be so easily translated into another language without meaning and context becoming distorted. jail bird - a criminal who has been jailed repeatedly gaolbird, jailbird criminal, crook, felon, malefactor, outlaw - someone who has committed a Jail Bird: a repeat criminal: The detective recognized the suspect as a jailbird who had been in and out of prison for years. Remember that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Early Bird. What does jail expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Informal A prisoner or an ex-convict. Pronunciation [edit] Audio : Noun [edit] Jul 21, 2024 · Idioms like the ‘Get Out of Jail Free Card’ enrich our language, making it more colorful and expressive. n. jail birds) Alternative form of jailbird This is the meaning of jailbird: jailbird (English) Origin & history jail + bird, circa 1600. completely free to do as you want. ” bird brain - someone who you think is stupid. a place where criminals are kept to punish them for their crimes, or where people accused of…. A jailbird is someone who's been in prison or is still there. Phrase Finder. Jaundiced eye: a biased attitude Definition of jail in the Idioms Dictionary. Because Harry was a jailbird, it was understandably hard for him to find a job after being imprisoned. The man is a bird brain and he always makes mistakes at work. Climbing up a tall tower affords you the same perspective. Etymology. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush; Phrase Meanings; Phrase Thesaurus; Idioms; 2. My mother always said the early bird gets the best deals at the store. Meaning: To accomplish two things at once. This may mean waking up early, putting in extra work, or starting a project before others. If you try to catch another, however, you risk losing the bird in your hand and also whatever it was you were trying to catch. Discover everything about the word "JAILBIRD" in English: meanings, translations, synonyms, pronunciations, examples, and grammar insights - all in one comprehensive guide. OED's earliest evidence for jailbird is from 1596, in the writing of Anthony Copley, writer and conspirator. See also Give someone the bird. Jul 28, 2020 · Meaning of A Jail Bird: A prisoner, an inmate, a convict, an habitual criminal, someone with more than one experience of prison as an inmate and not as a guard or warden What is the mythology of JAILBIRD definition: a person who is or has been confined to jail , esp repeatedly; convict | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Define jailbird. . jail bird - a criminal who Jailbird definition: A prisoner or an ex-convict. Meaning : Frequent Prisoner . 15. to spend time in prison 2. jailbirds) A prisoner or an ex-prisoner Jan 22, 2025 · Idioms are phrases or expressions that convey a figurative meaning that differs from the literal meaning of the words used. 2. com is an English & Bangla Online Dictionary; ইংরেজি - বাংলা অভিধান; An jail cell meaning dictionary is a great resource for writers, students, and anyone looking to expand their vocabulary. 16. She’s a jail bird who has earned the respect of the other inmates. a person who has been in prison. So, the next time you come across an idiom, take a moment to unravel its meaning and appreciate its linguistic beauty. J-bird is an abbreviation of the word jailbird, meaning someone who is an inmate in a jail The term 'jailbird' often implies a negative judgment about the person's criminal behavior. What does as free as a bird expression mean? The convict escaped from jail and After I received your note, I did a little digging into bird-related expressions and idioms, and it turns out there are a lot of them. 2,136 Views . Writer and researcher on the origins of phrases and the creator of the Phrase Finder website. Flipping the bird Origin and History - American version of giving the middle finger dates from the 1960s. Over the past 26 years more than 700 million of his pages have been downloaded by readers. 4. Jail-bird Meaning in Bengali - Jail-bird বাংলা অর্থ - দাগী আসামী জেলঘুঘু | English – Bangla & English (E2B) Online Dictionary. The phrase is often used to praise someone's productivity or punctuality. Bird's-eye view "the view as seen from above, as if by a bird in flight," is from 1762. From an artistic standpoint, the Bird tattoo also serves as a canvas for personal expression and storytelling. Its origins may ultimately Definition of free as a bird in the Idioms Dictionary. " 3. He being a notorious jail bird the judge did not show any mercy to him. Jailbird is a casual and derogatory term for a convicted criminal, especially one who's been in and out of jail several times. The Jungle 1906 JAILBIRD meaning: a person who has often been in jail or prison IDIOMS: MEANINGS: EXAMPLES: Jail Bird: a repeat criminal: The detective recognized the suspect as a jail bird who had been in and out of prison for years. Times, Sunday Times (2018) Do bird definition and meaning | Definition of done bird in the Idioms Dictionary. May 12, 2016 · 8. बिल्कुल सही – Just the thing. The phrase ‘early bird’ has been known since the late 18th century and is believed to have been derived from the proverb ‘the early bird catches the worm. All Free. Kith and kin: near and dear ones: She prefers to spend time with her kith and kin. Meaning: A view from above. A bird’s eye view. A list of phrases related to the word jailbird Phrases about jailbird. Meaning: Activity or information that is entirely worthless. "The earliest known use of the noun jailbird is in the late 1500s. May 21, 2018 · Birds usually fly freely in the nature. jail bird synonyms, jail bird pronunciation, jail bird translation, English dictionary definition of jail bird. Meaning. Dictionary of similar words, Different wording, Synonyms, Idioms for jail cell Jail bird meaning in Hindi : Get meaning and translation of Jail bird in Hindi language with grammar,antonyms,synonyms and sentence usages. Unraveling the Slang: What Does 'Jailbird' Mean? • Discover the meaning and origin of the intriguing slang term 'Jailbird' in this fascinating video. jail bird; jail bird etymology. The convict escaped from jail and was as free as a bird for two days jail bird What does jail bird mean? jail bird (English) Noun jail bird (pl. That man this evening, when he called me 'jailbird' -- "Sheila of Big Wreck Cove A Story of Cape Cod James A. The dictionary gives this sample sentence: One might have assumed that drawing blood means doing bird but no: suspended sentence. The lessons start by showing you examples of idioms in sentences, and you’ll try to guess what they mean from the context. someone who has committed a crime or has been legally convicted of a crime Define jail bird. Understanding Idioms Can Boost Your Conversational English There are lots of bird idioms and phrases used around the world in many different cultures, languages, and countries. " Dec 9, 2024 · See also: jail-bird. GAOLBIRD definition: 1. to spend time in prison. Example sentence: "Simon's plan to swim the channel for charity is strictly for the birds; he only learned to swim two months ago. Example: Our school used to admit more than one thousand candidates, but we feel like we have been scraping the bottom of the barrel with the admitted applicants in late Definition: “Left to rot in jail/prison” is an idiomatic expression that implies someone is being abandoned or neglected in prison for an extended period, often suggesting that they are wasting away the best years of their lives without hope of rehabilitation or release. Jail time (From the rhyming slang: Bird lime) British Home / idioms / free as a bird. What does done bird expression mean? Mark is getting released from jail today. He’s a jail bird who has a reputation for being a troublemaker. Jailbird In the Context of Idiomatic Expressions Idioms are phrases in which the definition is not constructed from the literal expression. English [edit] Etymology [edit] From jail + bird, circa 1600. as free as a bird phrase. The list I found includes: “swan song,” “thin as a rail,” “chicken out,” “crazy as a loon,” “naked as a jaybird,” “cold turkey” and everyone’s favorite, “the birds and the bees. When someone “sings like a bird,” they are providing details or admitting to something without much resistance. Pro Tip 2 / 3 Bird-lime/time is one of the oldest examples of rhyming slang recorded and dates from 1857. Meaning: a bird’s eye is a view from the very top of something or above meaning – people are friends with like-minded people example – My friend is out of jail, but he still hangs around with criminals. The term naked as a jaybird soared in popularity in the United States over the latter two-thirds of the twentieth century, and it may be because the slang term, j-bird, came into use. Qasim Ali: محاورا A Jail Bird سے کیا مراد ہے؟ یہ کب اور Jailbird definition: . (किसी चीज पर समग्र या सरसरी निगाह) Example: From up here you can get a bird's eye view of the entire campus. Nov 2, 2021 · Meaning: A person who is loved and cherished very much by someone close. jailbird - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. Flipping the bird Meanings and origins of thousands of idioms, curious words, and slang. You're the cutest jailbird I ever did see. hold up your middle finger in a rude manner.